What Do I Do if My Child Has a Severe 所有ergic Reaction?

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What Do I Do if My Child Has a Severe 所有ergic Reaction?


It can be horrifying to see your child’s face start to swell and realize they’re having an allergic reaction. If your child has severe allergies to certain insects, 药物或食物, you should have a prescription for injectable epinephrine. Dr. Cindy Gellner talks you through the signs of anaphylaxis and what to do if you think your child is in danger.


Dr. 假面: Anaphylaxis is a frightening thing to see your child have. What is it and how can you be prepared if your child has a severe allergic reaction? 我是博士. 辛迪·盖尔纳为您报道.

播音员: Keep your kids healthy and happy. You are now entering The 健康儿童专区 with Dr. 辛迪·盖尔纳为您报道.

Dr. 假面: A severe allergic reaction is called an anaphylactic reaction. It is an immediate, severe reaction, usually due to a bee sting, medication, or food. The symptoms begin within 30 to 60 minutes and include wheezing, 呼吸困难, tightness in the chest 或喉咙, and the voice may even change, 头晕或昏倒, 皮肤可能会变蓝, 嘴唇肿胀, 舌头, 或喉咙, 以及广泛的荨麻疹, 肿胀或瘙痒. They can also have significant vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach cramps. 如果你的孩子有荨麻疹, 肿胀, 或瘙痒, but these symptoms do not occur with the symptoms we just mentioned, your child is probably having an allergic reaction but not an anaphylactic reaction.

So what should you do if your child has a severe allergic reaction? 保持冷静. 立即拨打911, especially if your child is having 呼吸困难, 吞咽困难, 或者任何严重的症状. Have your child lie down with their feet elevated to prevent shock, and if your child stops breathing, 开始心肺复苏术.

If your child has a known anaphylactic reaction to something, make sure you have a prescription for injectable epinephrine in a form called an EpiPen. If you have an EpiPen, give your child the shot of epinephrine immediately. It can save your child's life. Inject it into the thigh muscle. You should be trained by your pediatrician or pharmacist as to how to use this when you get the prescription. Don't hesitate to give epinephrine. If your child has had a life-threatening reaction in the past and now has been re-exposed to the same allergic substance, for example peanuts or a bee sting, give the EpiPen before your child develops symptoms. Again, it could save his or her life.

Your child will feel the effects of epinephrine. 他或她可能会呕吐. They will feel shaky, have heart palpitations, and a headache. Your child will need to be monitored for a few hours after the epinephrine to make sure that their blood pressure is stable and that they don't have symptoms of anaphylaxis come back after the epinephrine has worn off. For that reason, EMS will transport your child to the hospital.

If your child has been stung by a bee and is allergic to bee stings, treat the sting by making sure you remove the stinger. Do this by scraping the stinger off with a credit card, rather than squeezing it.

The only way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid contact with the food, 药物, or other item that causes the problem. It is very important to learn to read food labels if your child has a food allergy. Since the reactions can be fatal, you should keep emergency kits containing epinephrine at home, 学校, and in a backpack if you're traveling. Educate others about your child's allergy. 告诉所有药剂师, 医疗服务大发娱乐提供者, and dentists who treat your child about any allergies he or she has. This goes for 学校 personnel as well. Your child will be able to keep epinephrine at 学校. You will just need to have a form completed by your pediatrician, so that the epinephrine can be kept at the 学校 nurse's office or with the secretary and can be used if needed at 学校.

Your child should have a medical ID bracelet or necklace that tells the insect, 药物, 或者食物过敏. 还记得, if your child is not with you and he or she has an anaphylactic reaction, 他们可能不会说话. The medic alert ID will speak for them and provide crucial information to others that could save your child's life. Anaphylactic reactions are serious. 如果你的孩子足够大, teach them what they are allergic to so they can help avoid their triggers as well.

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