Debunking Old Wives' Tales: Cranky Babies with Feeding Issues

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Debunking Old Wives' Tales: Cranky Babies with Feeding Issues


If your baby is cranky and can't sleep, should you try a different formula? 疝气宝宝只是饿了吗? 儿科医生 Dr. 辛迪的假面 challenges some myths around cranky babies with feeding issues and explains why gassiness isn't such a bad thing and why crying doesn't necessarily mean it's time for a feeding.

Dr. 假面: As pediatricians, we often hear old wives' tales about cranky babies with feeding issues. What's behind these myths and what is sound advice? 我将在今天的《大发体育官网》中解决这些问题. 我是博士. 辛迪的假面.

播音员: Remember that one thing that one person told you that one time about what you should or shouldn't do when raising your kids? 看看这是真的还是假的. This is "Debunking Old Wives' Tales" with Dr. 辛迪·盖尔纳为您报道.

Dr. 假面: "Babies who are cranky and don't sleep usually have gas, and the only way to get some relief is to change the formula." No! 这会导致更多的问题. 汽油的名声不好. Many people think it's an evil condition that causes pain and misery, 但事实是, everyone produces gas in their large intestine because that's how bacteria processes what we eat. 这是消化过程的一部分, 如果你的宝宝很健康, 增加体重, 排便良好, 别担心. It can cause some pain, but it shouldn't interfere with sleep issues.

Crying babies increase the air they swallow, 所以它们有更多的气体, and crying increases the passage of gas by forcefully contracting the abdominal muscles. So, unless your baby has a true allergy or intolerance to a component of the formula and needs a special formula, don't play the formula-changing game. Changing formulas too often can actually cause more digestive issues than they can help with.

Number two, "Colicky babies are very hungry and you've got to feed them more." Actually, feeding them more can make the problem worse. 过度喂养是不好的. Many parents think that every time a baby cries, it must be from hunger, and that's just not true.

Feeding your baby may reduce the crying, but only for a short time before the whole colic cycle begins again. 然后, 这些饥饿的宝宝吃得太饱了, 然后他们就会吐出来, 而且体重增长过快, and they may be fussy because they're overeating and bloated. Remember how you felt the last time you ate more than you should have? Full, overstuffed, uncomfortable and miserable.

少给患疝气的婴儿喂食, 大概每三到四个小时一次, 而不是每隔一到两个, will give them time for their stomachs to empty and their feedings to be digested. 每个人都会感觉好多了.

So, if your baby is otherwise growing well, you really don't need to worry about their crying or their gas. 如果有其他喂养问题, be sure to talk to your child's pediatrician about them and see if further investigation into these digestive issues is warranted.

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