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Is Your Child Coming Up With Excuses to Skip School? It May Be School Phobia

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Is Your Child Coming Up With Excuses to Skip School? It May Be School Phobia

Aug 07, 2023

Stomach ache, headache, dizziness, 恶心和恶心都是你可能在上学的早晨从孩子那里听到的症状. 随着上学时间的临近,这种情况可能会变得更糟, then miraculously become better on the weekends. It may be school phobia. Pediatrician Cindy Gellner, MD, 解释什么会导致学校恐惧症的孩子感到恶心和简单的方法来平息你的孩子的恐惧.

医生总是被要求给生病的孩子开假条, 但是如果你的孩子让自己生病,这样他们就不用去上学了呢? We'll tackle school phobia today on The Scope.

What is School Phobia?

一个有学校恐惧症的孩子呆在家里不上学,因为身体上的症状模糊不清而错过了很多上学的日子, usually, 当人们感到不安或担心时,比如胃痛,就会出现这种症状, headaches, nausea, tiredness, or dizziness, 这些症状主要发生在早上,到了上学的时候会加重.

Often, these symptoms are only present on school days. 你的孩子也可能在考试或其他有压力的学校活动的前一天晚上入睡困难. 除此之外,你的孩子也会看起来很健康,在周末通常没有症状, during the summer, or during school breaks.

恐校儿童通常害怕离开家,而不是害怕学校里的任何特殊事物. Aside from poor attendance, 这些孩子通常是好学生,他们在学校表现良好. 父母是典型的好父母,他们认真尽责,充满爱心,孩子发现很难与他们分开. 是的,分离焦虑不仅仅是幼儿的问题. It can persist through the school years.

Sometimes a change of schools, a strict teacher, hard tests, a learning problem, or your child may not feel as good as other students, 或者,欺凌者可能是孩子害怕上学的原因. 这些问题可能只是问题的一部分,在这些问题得到解决时,它们不是你的孩子缺课的原因. If daily school attendance is enforced, 学校恐惧症的问题应该会在几周内得到改善. On the other hand, 如果你不要求你的孩子每天上学, 身体症状和呆在家里的愿望会变得更加频繁.

Preventing School Phobia in Children

那么,作为家长,你该如何防止学校恐惧症影响上学呢? 治疗学校恐惧症最好的方法就是确保你的孩子每天都在学校. Fears are overcome by facing them as soon as possible. 每天上学会使孩子的大部分身体症状得到改善. They will become less severe and happen less often, and your child will eventually enjoy school again.

At first, however, 你的孩子会考验你每天送礼物的决心, 加剧他们的症状,让你在他们感觉不舒服的时候让他们去上学,这让你感到内疚, 但你必须让出勤率成为一个不容商量的角色. 对你的孩子保持乐观,并向他们保证,他们一到学校就会感觉好起来. Be extra firm on school mornings. 刚开始的时候,早晨可能会很难熬,尤其是周一.

你不应该问你的孩子他们感觉如何,因为这会鼓励他们抱怨. 如果他们身体足够好,可以站起来在家里走动,或者可以看电视和玩电子游戏, they are well enough to go to school. If your child is late, they should go to school anyway.

有时孩子可能会哭喊,绝对拒绝上学. 在这种情况下,在与他们谈论他们的担忧之后,你的孩子需要被带到学校.

When to Bring in a Pediatrician for School Phobia

If your child has a new symptom or seems quite sick, 你可能会希望他们呆在家里,并在早上让他们的儿科医生看你的孩子. If the symptom is caused by a disease, appropriate treatment can be started, but if the symptoms are from worry or anxiety, your child should go back to school before noon. 用这种方法与孩子的儿科医生密切合作,甚至可以解决最困难的学校恐惧症问题.

学校通常非常理解学校恐惧症,因为这是一个普遍的问题. However, they are understanding to a point. 如果你的孩子旷课太多,那么逃学警察就会介入. There's more paperwork and there are even court dates.

Remember, for the majority of children who have school phobia, there is no physical reason for them to stay home. 你必须坚强,并重申,在他们没有真正生病的情况下缺课是不可能的.


updated: August 7, 2023
originally published: March 2, 2016


儿童健康的最新趋势和问题. Cindy Gellner
