



对于男性和女性来说,盆底问题可能以多种形式出现. 粪便或 尿漏盆腔痛——所有 常见盆底问题. 骨盆底环绕着肌肉, 韧带, 和 connective tissue surrounding the organs in your pelvis (such as the 膀胱, 直肠, 就女性而言, 子宫和阴道). 考虑到骨盆底问题发生的部位, they can feel particularly embarrassing or uncomfortable to talk about 和 experience.

犹他大学健康中心, our pelvic floor physical therapists are highly trained to diagnose 和 create customized treatment plans for your pelvic floor condition. Our dedicated providers are committed to helping you get your pelvic health back on track.


盆底理疗师是一种私人关系, where you will be discussing some of the most intimate things in your life. It's important that you find a therapist whom you feel comfortable with 和 can commit to working with to improve your condition.




在很多情况下, pelvic floor physical therapy is the only or best option for treatment of pelvic conditions. 在存在手术选择的情况下, 你的健康状况使你适合做手术, pelvic floor physical therapy can still be helpful both before 和 after surgery.

在你的初次检查中, your pelvic floor physical therapist will review your medical history 和 ask you questions about your health 和 behaviors that may impact your condition, 如:

  • 你每天喝多少液体
  • 你的饮食是什么
  • 你多久做爱一次.

考试将在一个单独的房间进行,持续一个小时. 如果你觉得可以进行盆腔检查的话, your pelvic floor physical therapist may also perform this examination during your initial consultation.


Most patients with pelvic floor conditions will need to get an internal exam of their pelvic floor muscles. 考试, 由骨盆底理疗师执行, 能帮我辨认肌肉吗, 强度, 或者是导致你疼痛的协调问题, 不舒服, 或者功能障碍.

作为盆底肌肉内部检查的一部分, your pelvic floor physical therapist will need to place his or her finger into either your 直肠 or vagina to assess your pelvic floor muscles.

An internal exam of your pelvic floor is important for developing an accurate treatment plan. However, we can assess your pelvic floor muscles using other techniques 如:

  • 骨盆带评估 Your pelvic floor physical therapist will examine the health of your pelvic girdle, 哪个是关节的复环, 韧带, 和 muscles that connect the skeleton to the lower limbs as well as on the pelvic floor.
  • 产前和产后腹部筛查 We will examine your abdominal muscles to determine if there is a separation of the abdominal muscles (abdominal diastasis).
  • 肌电测试和生物反馈 We can use biofeedback sensors with a low-grade electrical current to stimulate a muscular response, 这有助于检测神经肌肉异常.

These other assessments often aren’t as accurate at testing your muscle 强度, 语气, 或协调作为内部盆腔检查. It is your choice to decide which assessment is best suited for your needs 和 comfort.



大发娱乐用团队的方式治疗你的盆腔疾病. 大发娱乐的骨盆底理疗师与你的妇科医生密切合作, 泌尿科医生, 团体手中,或其他供应商s to ensure your care is coordinated 和 appropriate for the best pelvic floor rehabilitation outcomes.

Our treatment plans are highly individualized based on your condition 和 your personal goals, 这可能包括:                                                                                                 

  • Behavior modifications to influence bowel/膀胱 habits, fluid intake, 和 diet habits.
  • Body awareness 和 training to improve your posture 和 the movement of your joints 和 韧带.
  • Diaphragmatic “belly” or “chest” breathing techniques — These techniques will help with musculoskeletal pain.
  • 让你在家做的锻炼, 放松, 或者按摩肌肉, 取决于你的情况.
  • 有助于控制膀胱的运动, such as Kegels (repeatedly contracting the pelvic muscles that control the flow of urination).
  • The use of biofeedback sensors with a low-grade electrical current to stimulate a muscular response.
  • 〇手动操作 Your pelvic floor physical therapist will apply techniques such as kneading your muscles, 联合动员, 还有关节操作.
  • Muscle energy techniques — We apply a series of muscle contraction 和 放松ation exercises to mobilize a restricted joint by taking it through its full range of motion.


The length of treatment time will depend on your specific diagnosis as well as your own efforts to follow through with your treatment plan. 病人 who consistently go to physical therapy 和 diligently follow their treatment plan can begin to see a reduction of symptoms within three months. 然而,他们可能需要进一步的治疗,这取决于他们的病情.


The outcome of your treatment will depend on your diagnosis, motivation, 和 personal goals. Pelvic floor physical therapy will deliver the most success when you are committed to making lifelong habit changes that will 强度en your muscles 和 help alleviate symptoms.


To schedule an appointment for pelvic floor physical therapy, you will need a referral from your 妇科医生, 初级保健医生, 团体手中,或其他供应商.


什么是脱垂? 它是什么感觉?

If you're over 45 和 like millions of other women, you may be suffering from pelvic prolapse. Pelvic prolapse is when the organs inside your pelvis (your 膀胱, vagina, 子宫, cervix, & 直肠)下降或下降——坐得比他们应该坐的地方低.


敦促尿失禁Vs. 应力性尿失禁

如果你的膀胱过度活动妨碍了你的生活, 了解不同类型的尿失禁是很有大发娱乐的. 



A pelvic ultrasound is a test doctors use to see the organs inside your pelvis 和 make sure your reproductive organs are healthy. Getting a pelvic ultrasound can help you 和 your doctor rule out serious conditions that cause pelvic problems.



你有膀胱过度活动的问题吗, 感受骨盆的压力, 或者感觉像你的阴道, 膀胱, 子宫, 或者直肠下降, 鼓胀的引起鼓胀或压力的? 你不必忍受这些症状. 这些症状是可以治疗的.

