
在肺移植手术中期待什么 & 复苏


呼叫  801-585-3697 or


肺移植手术一般需要8到10个小时. It may take longer depending on whether you have had previous chest surgery and if you are receiving two lungs instead of one.

You’ll be asleep under general anesthesia during the surgery. 移植外科医生会:

  • 切除病变的肺.
  • 连接供体肺.
  • 关闭胸腔.

After surgery, you’ll recover in the cardiovascular intensive care unit (CVICU).


在心血管重症监护室(CVICU), doctors and nurses will check on you frequently and run tests to monitor your progress. 你会:

  • 使用呼吸机一天或更长时间来大发娱乐你呼吸.
  • have tubes in your chest that will drain fluids from around your lungs and heart.
  • 服用缓解疼痛的药物.
  • begin taking immunosuppressant drugs to prevent your body from rejecting your new lung(s).

You will typically be transferred to a step-down unit within a week, 护理小组将继续密切监测你的情况. Our physical therapists and occupational therapists will work with you to make sure you maintain your strength and mobility during this time.

Most patients leave the hospital within two to three weeks of the surgery. You may go to a rehabilitation facility or the home setting, depending on your needs.


The care team will watch you closely for complications and risks that may occur after a lung transplant, 如:

  • 供体肺的排斥反应;
  • primary graft failure (when the new lung does not function well following surgery),
  • 药物副作用,还有
  • 感染.


根据 国家心脏,肺和血液研究所, the one-year survival rate for single-lung transplants is almost 80 percent. 5年生存率超过50%. 更多大发娱乐成果的信息可以在 移植受者科学登记.


大发娱乐, our caring team of lung transplant providers knows what it's like for patients dealing with advanced lung disease. 大发娱乐大发娱乐大发娱乐提供同情、支持和希望. 大发娱乐的团队包括:

  • 肺内科医生,
  • 移植外科医生,
  • 移植协调员和其他护士,
  • 药剂师、
  • 社会工作者、
  • 注册营养师,
  • 金融专家,以及
  • 肺部康复治疗师.



你需要 留在盐湖城地区 for at least three months after your surgery so that the transplant team can monitor you closely and adjust your medication doses as needed. 您将返回U of U Health进行频繁的诊所访问, 活组织检查, 血了, 成像测试.

After three months, your follow-up visits will become less frequent. If you return to your hometown pulmonologist or primary care physician at that time, we will continue to follow your lab test results and see you as needed in our clinic.

Most people who have a lung transplant will experience a much-improved quality of life. Your doctor and transplant coordinator will talk to you about when it is safe to resume your normal activities, 比如工作, 锻炼和参与兴趣爱好.



Depending on your insurance plan, you may need a referral from your doctor. 在安排预约之前, our team will request medical records from your pulmonologist or your primary care physician to help plan your visit.

To make an appointment with one of our transplant pulmonologists, call 801-585-3697.


At 24 years old, Lala Juarez was diagnosed with pulmonary arterial hypertension. 用药物治疗, 她的症状没有恶化, 但肺移植是治疗她病情的唯一方法. At the time of her diagnosis, she was considered too healthy to qualify for a lung transplant. Six years later, she was finally eligible to get a double lung transplant at U of U Health.

当他退休时, Tim Sanders was looking forward to spending his time indulging in his hobbies, 但他的健康状况迅速恶化. Tim was diagnosed with interstitial lung disease that led to scarring in the lungs and he needed a lung transplant. 经过广泛的评估和漫长的等待, University of Utah Health was able to find Tim a match and give him a second chance at life.



健康保险范围, 合同, and payment may be subject to changes beyond the control of University of Utah Health. The University of Utah Transplant Department will contact your insurance and verify that your insurance is contracted with our facility and providers.

如果你的保险没有签约, we will attempt a single-case-agreement for transplant services to be performed at the University of Utah. Ultimately the patient is responsible for payment related to all services.
