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Treating Venous Disease with Vein Ligation 和 Stripping

大发娱乐的 心 & Vascular 服务 为患者大发娱乐提供最新的血管护理和临床治疗. At University of Utah Health, 大发娱乐经过认证的血管外科医生擅长治疗各种导致 venous insufficiency 和 varicose veins. 大发娱乐大发娱乐提供手术和非手术治疗方案,大发娱乐您定制最适合您需求的治疗方案.

What Is Vein Ligation & Stripping?

静脉结扎和剥离是一种外科手术,大发娱乐用来去除腿部严重受损的静脉, which cause venous insufficiency or varicose veins. Once we remove the damaged vein, 你身体里的其他静脉会接管,让血液在腿部的那个部位流动。.

Who Is a C和idate for Vein Legation 和 Stripping?

You might be a good c和idate for this surgery if you:

  • have severe venous insufficiency,
  • have very large varicose veins,
  • are at risk of getting venous skin ulcers or already have skin ulcers,
  • experience frequent aching or heaviness in your legs,
  • have severe leg pain,
  • have a job that requires you to st和 for long periods of time, or
  • 浅静脉(靠近皮肤表面的静脉)与深层静脉连接的地方是否有静脉受损.


  • are older,
  • 有其他疾病会使你有更高的手术并发症风险,
  • 腿部动脉循环不良(将氧气从心脏输送到身体的大血管),
  • 有肿胀或其他液体积聚在你的静脉曲张区域是因为什么 lymphedema,
  • have a skin infection,
  • are at higher risk for blood clots, or
  • are pregnant.

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

At your first appointment, 你将会见一位血管外科医生,他会询问你的病史,并讨论你的担忧 venous insufficiency 和/或 varicose veins. They will examine your legs 和 look for other symptoms, such as swelling, skin discoloration, or varicose veins. Any symptoms that aren't visible, such as itching or pain, should also be discussed with your provider.

We may order an ultrasound to see what is happening inside your veins. 大发娱乐将在你的皮肤上运行一个小型手持设备(称为传感器),以查看你腿内静脉的图像. 这些超声图像将大发娱乐大发娱乐为您制定最佳的治疗方案.

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Vein Surgery: Ligation 和 Stripping

How to Prepare for Surgery

Vein ligation 和 stripping is a minor surgery. Most people can go home immediately after this procedure. You will be put to sleep under general anesthesia. 按照外科医生的指示准备手术是很重要的.

  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery.
  • 在手术前,你可能需要暂时停止服用目前的一些药物.
  • 如果你吸烟,至少在手术前一天戒烟(如果可以的话可以更早戒烟).

Plan to have a family member or friend drive you to 和 from surgery. You will not be able to drive yourself after coming out of anesthesia.


What Happens during Surgery

The procedure will take approximately one to two hours. 你的血管外科医生会做两个小切口——一个在腹股沟区域(靠近受损静脉的顶部),另一个在大腿或小腿(在静脉的底部)。.

Your surgeon will tie off the top of the vein to stop blood flow. A thin, flexible device will be threaded through the damaged vein. 你的外科医生将使用该装置通过静脉底部的切口将整个静脉拉出.

一旦静脉被移除,外科医生会缝合你的切口,并用绷带包扎. If you have other varicose veins in the same leg, 你的外科医生可能会做额外的切口(切口)来切除这些受损的静脉. This procedure is called phlebectomy or microphlebectomy 并可与静脉剥离和结扎手术同时进行.  

After the surgery is complete, 你的外科医生会把纱布和ACE压缩包放在你治疗过的腿上。. 你将被带到恢复室休息,然后从麻醉中醒来. 在你的家人或朋友带你回家之前,你将在康复室呆一到两个小时. 你的外科医生会给你紧身衣,让你在绷带拆除后第二天穿.

Vein Surgery Complications

静脉结扎和剥离是一种低风险的手术,对大多数人来说是安全的. 然而, like all surgeries, it does come with some risks. The most common risks include: 

  • infection after surgery,
  • bleeding,
  • blood clots,
  • scarring or bruising at the surgical site,
  • injury to the nerves around your vein, or
  • a reaction to anesthesia.

Recovery Time

手术后,在腿部愈合期间,你需要穿压缩袜大约两到四周. 愈合时间可能因剥离的静脉数量和静脉位置而异. 你的外科医生会和你详细讨论愈合过程.

Signs of Healing After Surgery

  • You may have some minor pain after vein ligation 和 stripping surgery. 如果有必要,你可以服用非处方止痛药来缓解疼痛. Your pain will get better as your legs heal.
  • Most people have significant bruising immediately after surgery. Post-surgical bruises take up to three weeks to heal. 
  • 你的伤口愈合和缝线溶解大约需要三周的时间.

Showering & Bathing After Surgery

  • 不要洗澡,直到你的医生说你可以取下绷带和压缩袜, which is usually the day after surgery.
  • 手术后两周或医生说可以的时候再洗澡.

Resuming Daily Activities

大多数人在手术后的几个小时内就能走动了. 然而, 在手术后的三到四天内,你需要尽可能地抬高你的腿. As your legs heal over the next two to four weeks, 当你坐下的时候,继续尽可能地抬高你的腿.

一旦你的外科医生允许你恢复正常活动,移动你的腿并尽可能保持血液流动是很重要的. We suggest you:

  • walk around once per hour for 10 to 15 minutes at a time.
  • flex 和 point your feet while you’re sitting or lying down.
  • 当你的腿开始感觉好起来,你的伤口开始愈合时,每天增加你的运动摄入量.


开车 & Returning to Work

You will not be able to drive for at least three days. Talk to your doctor about when you can resume driving. Most people can go back to work after one week of recovery. If your job involves physical strain, st和ing for long periods of time, or other activities that could put stress on your legs, your doctor may tell you to wait longer before going back to work.

Vein Ligation 和 Stripping Success

Vein ligation 和 stripping surgery has a high success rate. 大多数接受这种手术的人不需要任何额外的治疗 venous insufficiency. 然而, you may need additional phlebectomy or microphlectomy procedures to remove any varicose veins in your legs. 随着时间的推移,其他静脉可能会出现静脉功能不全或静脉曲张. 如果发生这种情况,你可能需要额外的治疗,比如穿压缩袜或再做一次手术.

Request an Appointment with a Vascular Surgeon

呼叫 801-585-7676 to meet with one of our vascular surgeons.

转诊是不需要看到血管外科医生在犹他大学健康. 然而, 一些保险计划可能需要你的初级保健大发娱乐提供者(PCP)的推荐去看专家. 如果你对你的保险范围有任何疑问,请咨询你的保险公司. 

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