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What Is a Hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus. 子宫是女性生殖系统的一部分,婴儿在大发娱乐生长,也被称为子宫. 子宫可以自行切除,也可以通过以下方法切除:

  • the cervix,
  • one or both ovaries, or
  • one or both fallopian tubes.

If you have your cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus removed, the procedure is called a total hysterectomy.

Why Choose University of Utah Health?

At U of U Health, our Women’s Health Services 专注于照顾所有年龄段的女性,以大发娱乐改善您的整体健康. 大发娱乐采取全人治疗方法,为您大发娱乐提供协调的护理,提高您的生活质量. 

大发娱乐的团队为需要切除子宫的女性进行微创和腹部子宫切除术. 大发娱乐的许多妇科医生都接受过微创子宫切除手术的专门培训和奖学金,因此他们能够安全有效地执行这些手术.

Who Is a Candidate for a Hysterectomy?

Before a hysterectomy, you will meet with a gynecologist. 他们会讨论你的病史,并安排检查以确定你可能需要子宫切除术的原因.

The most common reasons for a hysterectomy include:

  • fibroids 引起疼痛或经期大出血、贫血或膀胱受压的;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine prolapse (your uterus moves down into your vagina);
  • chronic pain in your uterus that cannot be treated in other ways; or
  • uterine bleeding that cannot be controlled with medication.

Hysterectomies also treat gynecologic cancer (cancer in the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tube, or cervix). 这种类型的子宫切除术是由妇科肿瘤学家在 Huntsman Cancer Institute.

Hysterectomy Benefits and Risks

Hysterectomy surgery has several of the following benefits:

The risks of hysterectomy include:

  • bleeding;
  • infection;
  • early onset of menopause;
  • injury to the organs surrounding your uterus (e.g., bladder, bowel, rectum, ureter, and nerves); or
  • blood clot in your legs or lungs,

因为子宫切除术切除了你的子宫——胎儿生长的地方——你将来就不能怀孕了. If you want to become pregnant, 在你决定做子宫切除术之前,和你的妇科医生谈谈你的家庭计划.

Preparing for Your Hysterectomy

在手术开始前,你会在全身麻醉下入睡. 你将和你的外科医生和麻醉师进行术前检查,以确保你的手术是安全的. 在这次访问中,您将讨论您正在服用的任何过敏和药物.

Your surgeon will instruct you to:

  • 在手术前停止或调整任何药物的剂量.
  • 在手术前一天午夜停止进食和饮水.
  • 如果您吸烟,请在手术前至少24小时戒烟.

其他需要考虑的准备工作包括术后恢复和护理. 手术后你需要休息几周才能恢复. If you have young children at home, 你应该安排一个人在手术后的六周内帮你照顾他们.

Find a Gynecologic Surgeon

Hysterectomy Procedure

You will be under anesthesia for the entire surgery. 你的外科医生会切除你的子宫和其他生殖器官(子宫颈), ovaries, fallopian tubes) that were planned for removal. 如果有伤口,大发娱乐会把它们缝起来并用绷带包扎. 这个过程通常需要90分钟左右,但也可能需要1小时到3个多小时. 对于晚期子宫内膜异位症或瘢痕组织的复杂病例,需要更长的时间

有几种不同的方法可以进行子宫切除术. 阴道和腹腔镜子宫切除术都是微创手术. 

Vaginal Hysterectomy

This procedure is done through your vaginal opening. 与腹式子宫切除术相比,这种手术愈合得更快,疼痛也更少,因为它不需要任何切口。. 并不是每个人都适合微创子宫切除术. 例如,如果女性有以下情况,她们可能不适合做这个手术:

  • a narrow pubic arch,
  • 阴道太小,无法进入手术区域,
  • 子宫的大小或形状难以用微创技术切除的子宫, or
  • significant endometriosis and scar tissue that needs to be treated at the same time.

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

大发娱乐会在你的腹部做三个小切口,然后插入小器械取出你的子宫. Laparoscopic procedures 大发娱乐大发娱乐更清楚地看到你腹部的内部,大发娱乐大发娱乐治疗像 endometriosis and ovarian cysts. 如果你有手术或剖腹产留下的疤痕组织, 你的医生可能会使用腹腔镜手术断开你的子宫,然后通过阴道将其取出. 

Abdominal Hysterectomy

这个手术也是通过腹部的一个切口来切除子宫, 类似于通常穿过下腹比基尼线的剖腹产切口. This procedure is best if you have a large uterus, large uterine fibroids, or other large masses that cannot be safely removed with laparoscopic surgery

Hysterectomy Aftercare

After the surgery, 你将被带到术后恢复室,在那里你会在麻醉逐渐消失时醒来. 大发娱乐的护士会大发娱乐提供药物来控制疼痛,如果你需要的话,还会给你水和零食.

If you had a minimally invasive or laparoscopic hysterectomy, 你可以在手术当天或第二天回家. 腹部子宫切除术,你需要在医院病房里住两晚来恢复.

Schedule a Consultation

预约妇科外科医生做子宫切除术,请拨打801-213-2995. 你不需要从你的医生转介去看U的U健康妇科医生.

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