

心脏瓣膜病, 也叫心脏瓣膜病, occurs when you have a diseased or damaged heart valve. 当你的心脏泵血的时候, your valves open and close to keep blood flowing in the correct direction between your heart’s chambers. You have heart valve disease when one or more of your valves don’t open or close properly.


There are three main types of valvular heart diseases:

  • 返流,Your valve doesn’t close properly, and blood leaks backward. Regurgitation may occur because of a valve prolapse. Prolapse is when one of your valve’s leaflets, the flaps that make your valve open and close, 向后下垂或凸出.
  • 狭窄Your valve thickens or narrows, obstructing blood flow.
  • 闭锁,你缺了一个心脏瓣膜. Atresia is a congenital condition, meaning you’re born with it.

Valve disease is most common in your aortic valve, but it can affect any of your heart valves:

  • 主动脉瓣, which controls blood flow to the aorta (your body’s main artery)
  • 二尖瓣, which controls blood flow between the upper and lower heart chambers on the left side
  • 肺动脉瓣, which controls blood flow to your pulmonary artery (the artery leading to your lungs)
  • 三尖瓣, which controls blood flow between the upper and lower chambers on the right side


某些类型的心脏瓣膜疾病, such as mitral valve prolapse and tricuspid regurgitation, 可能不会引起明显的症状, 尤其是在早期阶段. 有时,你可能会有 心杂音, a slight whooshing sound your doctor hears when they listen to your heartbeat.

其他瓣膜疾病,如 主动脉瓣狭窄, are more likely to cause noticeable symptoms. You may have different symptoms depending on the type of disease:

You should see a heart specialist when you notice signs of heart valve disease. A cardiologist can determine whether you have an underlying heart condition.


Without treatment, some types of severe heart valve disease can lead to complications:


Some people are born with heart valve problems. 其他人则是在以后的生活中发展起来的. You’re more likely to develop heart valve disease if you're older or have a medical condition that puts you at high-risk for the disease:


A family history of heart problems increases your risk of developing heart valve disease:

  • Your brother or father was diagnosed with heart disease before age 55.
  • Your sister or mother was diagnosed with heart disease before age 65.

Why Choose the 心脏结构计划?

大发娱乐的 心脏结构计划 team at University of Utah Health continually earns exceptional rankings for their expert heart care. 多位专家,包括 介入心脏病学家, 心脏外科医生, 护士, 护士, and a program manager who coordinates tests and appointments, care for patients through our comprehensive valve clinic.

We work together to offer you the most advanced, effective treatments. 大发娱乐的 doctors are active researchers who study promising new therapies and often have early access to the latest technologies.

心 Valve Disease Diagnostic Tests

Your cardiologist will physically examine you and listen to your chest to check for a 心杂音. They also will use an array of tests to assess and diagnose your condition:

  • 经胸或经食管 超声心动图 uses sound waves to produce a video image of your heart’s valves and blood flow.
  • 心导管检查 uses thin, flexible tubes to evaluate heart pressure and coronary arteries.
  • 心电描记法 (心电图或心电图) measures your heart’s electrical signals.
  • 胸部 x射线 use low doses of radiation to look at whether your heart is enlarged, which could point to some types of valve disease.
  • 胸部 CT扫描 use a series of x射线 and special computers to get an image of your heart.
  • 一个心脏 核磁共振成像 uses magnets and radio waves to get a detailed image of your heart.



Your heart valve disease treatment will depend on your valve disease type and its severity. Some mild cases of heart valve disease may not require any specific treatment.

心脏瓣膜疾病治疗 Without Surgery

Often, healthy lifestyle changes will be the first step in treating valvular heart disease. Your provider will give you personalized recommendations, such as losing weight or eating a heart-healthy diet.

在某些情况下, your doctor will prescribe heart valve disease medications to manage and reduce your symptoms:

  • 控制高血压
  • 控制心率
  • 预防血栓
  • Reduce fluid build-up in your legs and ankles

心脏瓣膜病 & 程序

If you have advanced valve disease, your surgeon may recommend heart valve procedure:


心 valve diseases can be cured with a valve repair or replacement procedure.

下一个步骤 & 信息查询

To make an appointment, you can call 801-213-5922 or 请填写大发娱乐的在线表格.
大发娱乐的 program does not require a referral; however, your insurance company may. Please fax your referral information to structuralheart@e4academia.net.


医生说我有心脏杂音. 这意味着什么??

If your doctor told you that you have a 心杂音, you're probably wondering what that means. 我的健康有危险吗? 我会一直有心脏杂音吗? 我需要手术吗??
