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What Is a Perinatal Mood Disorder?

许多女性在产后都会经历“产后忧郁”. 然而,如果你的症状持续或恶化,你并不孤单. 据估计,15%到20%的新妈妈患有这种疾病 postpartum (after childbirth) depression 和焦虑——最著名的围产期情绪和焦虑障碍(PMADs), which occur immediately before or after giving birth.

Other types of PMADs include the following:

Hear From Lauren Gimbel, MD

Perinatal Mood Disorder Symptoms

这些症状可能在怀孕期间的任何时候出现,也可能在分娩后一年内出现. If these symptoms are left untreated, 它们可能会对母亲和婴儿的健康造成持久的负面影响, as well as spouses and other family members:

  • Severe mood swings
  • Scary thoughts about your baby
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Anger
  • Feelings of intense shame or guilt
  • Loss of appetite

Perinatal Mood Disorder Treatment

Early screening and intervention for postpartum depression 和其他pmad会给你和你的宝宝带来更好的结果. 如果你寻求咨询来解决你对怀孕的任何担忧, parenting, or postpartum wellness, 当你转变为父母时,你可以大大降低产后出现心理健康危机的风险.

Find a Perinatal Mental Health Specialist

For the Love of Mothers

Learn how U of U Health researchers, a team of community partners, 犹他州各地的母亲们正在共同努力建立新的项目,解决产后精神健康障碍问题. 

Birth Trauma & Postpartum PTSD

产后创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)大约有9%的妇女在分娩后经历过, many of which keep quiet about it. 如果不及时治疗,这种疾病可能会对母亲产生持久的负面影响. 重要的是,女性要认识到这是真实的或感知到的创伤的结果. 

There are many causes of postpartum PTSD:

  • Unplanned C-section
  • Use of forceps or vacuum to deliver the baby
  • Your baby going to the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit)
  • Stillbirth or pregnancy loss
  • 与怀孕或分娩有关的严重的身体并发症或伤害
    • 严重的产后出血(因血管破裂而失血) 
      • Perineal trauma (area between the genitals and anus)
      • Unexpected hysterectomy (surgery to remove all or part of the uterus)

有性虐待或性侵犯史的女性由于怀孕或产科预约,患产后创伤后应激障碍的风险更高, delivery, and medical intervention.

Postpartum PTSD Symptoms

如果你正在经历以下任何产后PTSD症状, our team is here to help provide resources, education, and healing:

  • Increased anxiety or panic attacks
  • Worsening depression or irritability
  • 避免与事件(人)相关的刺激, places, feelings, details of the event, etc.)
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Increased alertness or easily startled

Pregnancy Loss: Miscarriages & Stillbirths

无论什么时候流产,悲伤都是真实的. There are a variety of pregnancy loss types:

  • Miscarriage (spontaneous loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy)
  • Stillbirth or fetal demise (pregnancy loss after the 20th week)
  • Abortion (a procedure performed to end a pregnancy)

怀孕和失去婴儿最常见的心理健康问题是抑郁, anxiety, and relationship conflict. 流产后,女性的身体仍在经历显著的荷尔蒙变化. 这些可能会不断提醒她刚刚经历的损失, 这可能会使她容易患上围产期情绪和焦虑症(PMADS). 流产也被认为是一种创伤性事件,对男性和女性的影响不同. This could cause strain on the relationship.

When to Seek Treatment


  • Feeling down
  • Excessive guilt
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Anger
  • Intense feelings of shame
  • Loss of appetite
  • Numbness
  • Disbelief

你和你的心理健康大发娱乐提供者将合作制定一个为你量身定制的治疗计划. 每个人的悲伤都不一样,在这段时间里,你需要寻求支持,这很重要.

NICU Mothers Support Group

新生儿在医院里会让人感到害怕、孤立和孤独 NICU (neonatal intensive care unit), but you do not have to experience this on your own. 第一步是寻找能理解你的人, offer guidance, 帮你度过人生中最艰难的时刻. 大约70%新生儿重症监护室婴儿的母亲会经历围产期情绪或焦虑障碍(PMAD),包括产后创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)。. 


  • Meeting others at various stages of NICU life
  • Support with navigating your time in the NICU
  • Support from those that have since graduated the NICU
  • Led by a NICU/and other ICU survivor
  • 探索生活在新生儿重症监护病房的感受和情绪
  • Resources available to ask for additional help
  • 支持倡导你和宝宝的需求.

Email us for group times and enrollment information:

Free Postpartum Support Group

大发娱乐的围产期心理健康项目为孕妇和新妈妈大发娱乐提供了一个临时支持小组,在一个保密和安全的空间里寻求同伴的支持. 这个参与者驱动的小组是由心理健康和社会工作硕士水平的学生推动的.

Weekly discussion topics may include:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Balancing motherhood with other life roles
  • Sex and sexuality
  • Body image
  • Social support/social life changes
  • Emotional/spiritual changes
  • Decision making as a parent/partner
  • Change in spousal relationship
  • Financial pressures/budgeting
  • Everyday stresses and pressures of being a mom

大发娱乐在每月的第二个和第四个星期三下午12点通过Zoom主持会议. A link will be sent to you after registration. 如需注册或了解更多信息,请发邮件至

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