

生孩子是一件令人兴奋的事情,有时甚至会让人不知所措. Adjusting to life with a new baby who is dependent upon you will take much of your time and attention. Your own body has gone through significant changes during and after pregnancy. 重要的是要认识到你的身体需要愈合. 在这段时间照顾好自己很重要.



In general, for both vaginal delivery and a 剖腹产, your body will need six weeks to recover. Because every birth experience is different, your symptoms and recovery timeline will be unique. 许多症状会在产后1-2周内减轻, 但其他症状可能持续数周或数月.

在你产后六周的拜访中, your doctor will discuss any issues you are continuing to experience and will help with treatment options if needed.


识别 & 治疗产后问题


产后出院 (lochia) is similar to a heavy period and may last up to six weeks. Typically, postpartum bleeding is heavy for the first 3–10 days, then slowly decreases. You may notice a change in the color of your discharge as the bleeding tapers from red to brown to a yellow-white color.

在此期间,使用卫生巾,而不是卫生棉条. If you are bleeding through more than one pad per hour or notice large clots, contact your doctor.


你的阴道经受了巨大的压力和紧张. 虽然它会(几乎)恢复正常,但这需要一些时间. 分娩时发生撕裂或撕裂并不罕见. 用于修复的缝合线会在六周内自行溶解.

Women may also experience some uterine cramping, especially with nursing, in the first 1–2 weeks.

为了大发娱乐愈合,让伤口休息是很重要的. 前六周避免阴道性交和使用卫生棉条. 你可以在分娩后的头几天用冰敷.

Spraying warm water over the area before and after urinating may help reduce irritation. Sitz baths, which are shallow bath bowls for soaking the vaginal area, may also be helpful. 试剂盒在大多数药店或网上都可以买到. 


让你的身体在一段时间后得到休息是很重要的 剖腹产. 预计需要六个星期才能痊愈. You will have a two-week and six-week postpartum visit to ensure the healing process is on track.

During the first six weeks, you should not lift anything heavier than your baby in a car seat. If needed, over-the-counter ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce pain and discomfort.


不管你是否哺乳,产后乳房疼痛是很常见的. 如果你不哺乳,你的乳汁分泌会随着时间的推移而停止. You may notice some pain and discomfort from breast engorgement in the interim as well as milk leakage.


  • 使用热敷或冰袋
  • Wear a tight-fitting sports bra or ace bandage to help decrease symptoms of engorgement
  • 服用非处方止痛药, 比如对乙酰氨基酚或布洛芬, 哪些可以大发娱乐减轻肿胀或疼痛


  • 使用热敷或冰袋
  • 涂抹羊毛脂霜来预防或治疗乳头破裂
  • 穿舒适的护理文胸

If you develop a fever higher than 100 degrees or note increasing redness and pain, 联系你的医生评估是否患有乳腺炎, 哪一种乳房组织炎症有时会引起感染.


分娩后第一次排便可能需要几天时间. Constipation is common during the first few weeks as your body adjusts back to normal. Over-the-counter stool softeners, fiber-rich foods, and drinking plenty of fluids will help.

You may also use over the counter hemorrhoid medications to help unless you had a fourth-degree laceration (involving the rectum).


产后膀胱漏 对很多女性来说很常见吗. 通过六周的检查,你应该会看到一些改善. 然而, most bladder conditions improve slowly over time as your muscles and nerves recover. 预计可能需要6-12个月才能看到明显的改善.

如果你没有注意到改善,请转介去看医生 盆底理疗师 可能会有大发娱乐.


疲劳是产后经历的正常部分. 你的宝宝可能会每隔两到三个小时醒来一次喂奶, 使人难以获得充足的睡眠. 在宝宝睡觉的时候尽量睡觉是很重要的,即使是在白天. 如果可能的话,请别人照看你的宝宝几个小时,这样你就可以休息了.

If your fatigue feels more significant than expected for sleep deprivation or is significantly impacting your mood, 和你的医生谈谈.


It’s normal for new mothers to experience mood swings and negative feelings after giving birth. 这些情绪是由于荷尔蒙的变化而产生的, 疲惫和疲劳, 适应新的生活方式.


  • 易怒
  • 失眠
  • 不明原因或频繁哭泣
  • 悲伤
  • 情绪变化
  • 不安

轻微的症状随着时间的推移而改善是正常的. 然而, 产后抑郁症 may be present if you are unable to perform daily activities because you are so overwhelmed, 想过伤害自己或宝宝吗, 或者症状持续或恶化超过2-4周.

Postpartum depression may develop up to one year after giving birth and requires medical treatment. It’s important to speak to your doctor if your symptoms persist or are severe.


了解U of U Health的研究人员, 一个社区合作伙伴团队, and Utah mothers across the state are working together to build new programs that address postpartum mental health disorders. 


As a new mother, much of your energy and attention will focus on caring for your baby. 然而,重要的是要记住照顾好自己. You will best be able to care for your baby when you are physically and emotionally well. 


Maintaining a well-balanced, healthy diet will help your body heal and combat fatigue. 一定要均衡地吃全谷物、水果、蔬菜和蛋白质. You should also drink plenty of water, especially if you are 母乳喂养 or constipated.


It's generally fine to begin light exercise five to seven days after an uncomplicated delivery. 慢慢地从散步开始. As your body recovers and heals, you may increase the amount and intensity of exercise. 

If you had a complicated birth or 剖腹产 talk to your health care provider before exercising.


大多数新妈妈都渴望减掉“婴儿肥”.” 然而, it’s important to approach weight loss after pregnancy in a healthy and accepting manner. 每个女人的减肥方法都不一样.


  • 设定现实的减肥目标. 可能需要6到12个月才能恢复到怀孕前的体重.
  • 保持健康的生活方式. Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly are the best ways to promote weight loss.
  • 母乳喂养的因素. 母乳喂养 may help you lose weight as 母乳喂养 uses fat cells stored in your body during pregnancy. 母乳的生产也消耗卡路里. 

了解更多关于照顾你的精神在 & 怀孕后

产后身体护理 & 后续

以确保你的身体得到适当的恢复, it is important to contact your OBGYN to set up your six-week postpartum visit soon after you give birth. If you had a 剖腹产, you should set up a two-week and a six-week visit with your OBGYN.



If you’re experiencing bothersome pelvic floor symptoms three to six months or more after giving birth, 你应该考虑去看看盆底专家. Treatment from our pelvic floor specialists will help significantly improve your postpartum symptoms and quality of life.



大发娱乐为您的孩子大发娱乐提供从婴儿期到成年期的照顾. 定期看望孩子,让孩子保持健康. 查看大发娱乐的位置沿着瓦萨奇前线和进入犹他谷. 为你找到最好的儿科医生.

视图的位置 & 选项


母乳是新生儿最健康的食物选择. 但是成千上万的婴儿无法获得他们需要的母乳. 如果你愿意将你多余的母乳捐赠给需要大发娱乐的婴儿, 了解更多大发娱乐当地的母乳银行:Mountain West Mothers ' milk bank.


YoMingo®:产前 & 胎动中的产后教育

U of U Health随时大发娱乐提供, 通过YoMingo®为准妈妈大发娱乐提供随时随地的教育, 在你怀孕的每个阶段都有你需要的所有工具和支持. 查找有关产前护理,分娩的信息 & 分娩、产后、母乳喂养和新生儿护理.

